02 November 2007

cut, load, repeat.

You know what really blows? When your vehicle malfunctions. Seriously. It screws EVERYTHING up. I am loosing sleep, because it's kinked up my schedule so much. Awful, just awful. I had things to do, that I can't do now, because my cars not working. My mom and the Captain are going to be gone most of next week too. and I need to have transportation. I have an orthodontist appointment, and school, and work, and first Saturday. And, and, and...
Ugh! And then there's the whole having to pay for the repairs. Not a pretty fun time. Not at all. Of course, there is also the rest of stresses of life to make those experiences even worse. Homework, school, classes, tests, deadlines, work, life tasks, eating, the gym, maintaining friendships, and all the other stuff one must do to keep sane. all these together, really help to cause insanity. fun times fun times. Of course, now you may be asking why? why? why are some of these things listed as stress factors. Well, let me tell you; Let's take the "maintaining friendships" item, for instance. Friendships, as we well know, are a type of relationship. and all relationships require work. It would be helpful if both sides would work at it, but this is not always the case. people as a rule, tend to be very self-centered. so it takes someone to step outside themselves to be a true friend to others. I have been deemed this person in most cases. What am I saying. Being Rocky's friend is a lot of work, and strain, and is very stressful, it's what's the word... frustrating to say the least. but there is a history there, to account for some of the frustrating awkwardness that comes from his end. but still. therefore, friendships can be stressful. not always, but they do make the list. Work is also very stressful. Even the lack of having work to do, is stressful. Waiting around is stressful, because, then, I have time to think. I get to think about all the other stress filled things in my life, JOY! like now, I have nothing to do, but wait for vinyl to cut, so I'm writing a blog... there it is... and cut! and wait... this is great fun. Yay! 14 down, 12 to go... but then what? I'm the only on here. I don't think that's cutting right... Oh bother! That would be wonderful, then I'll have nothing to do... and cut! reload, cut! now we're 15 to 11. bbbblllllppppptttt!

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