15 November 2007

Loveless you

If I told you that I hate you, -> I'd be almost untrue, -> To say that I'd love to, -> I'm not lying to you, -> I think I want to need you, -> I'd really love to want to, -> But you're not the you, -> You're someone new, -> but who?-->> If I said aloud the loathing, -> It'd never be me you're holding, -> I'm tired of reminiscing, -> Do you recall our kissing? -> I am continually falling, -> feels like I'm always crawling, -> you're not ever calling, -> I'm too scared and stalling, -> after-alling, -->> If I'd just say you're faithless, -> and consider you as weightless, -> I'd know all this here's tasteless, -> and you're really only faceless, -> I'd love you to see you're heartless, -> and come to find that you're a part less, -> You're not flawless, -> simply lawless, -> Love less -> you.

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