05 May 2010

Adding whole branches to a tree

The wedding was good. It was fun. And a little strange. We've gotten this whole new family, not just one more member... a whole slew. Good, fun people too. Not pretentious in the slightest. Which makes me think: Why don't I know my own family this well? Is it due to pretense? Is it some sort of deterrent based on a family affiliation? I know I'd like to know them more, even if I don't fit that well. But relationships, are not one way. Both parties need to at least be interested in it. I would like to at least make an attempt though, so that the offer is out there. So I now have to decide: do I go up north to see my mom's new family, whom I already know I get along with, and are fun. Or do I head back to Indy to see my dad's family whom I've 'known' my whole life, but still don't really know... decisions decisions. I also don't have that long to choose. Both take place on Pie's birthday. Poor him. And technically, I could choose either at this point; I still am not working. I have all the time in the world. 
Lately I've been spending that time a little more frivolously. Well, just this week. Up until last weekend, I was dealing with family things; funeral, burial, visitors, wedding, etc. But this week, I got me a bit of a sunburn. Only a bit though, it doesn't hurt. only when I scratch my leg where it's red in the tungsten light. It's a little uneven, and I don't really know how that happened. I laid out evenly. but one of my legs has two lines and the other has the appropriate 4. I'm glad I laid out when I did though. I think I'm getting whatever Joseph had yesterday. Whohoo! Spring Cold! Speaking of spring fever; I've been in the mood to bake lately. What is that? I made chocolate zucchini cupcakes (thank you Robin) the other day, and frosted them with cream cheese frosting. They're a little dry. But good none-the-less. I was thinking of trying my hand at a layer cake, and homemade butter frosting (via Erica's direction) But I don't know if I will. We should probably finish off the cupcakes before I start another confectionery treat.
I think I'm just rambling now, I start sneezing about a minute into this, now my head feels like it's starting to congest. I'm going back to bed. Yeah, that sound good. a little warm/hot, but gooder than this wooden chair.

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