02 February 2009

Writing out a story about someone else.

Woe it is to be like me. I'm not quite sure (yet again...) what I am in want of, as far as this stupid boy anymore. Or for anything for that matter. I do know that the scenarios that play out in my head, can never come to pass. That it's not even truly 'we' who are in them. It's two other players, in similar circumstances who have traits, wants, needs, and desires different from our own. Here I go blah-di-blahing again. Let me move on.
I love it when the sun is shining. It makes me happy. But I also am in love with the rain. Actually, if you get solidly down to it; I'm in love with the weather when it's starting to not rain, and the sun is attempting to break through the clouds. The peace of it is tranquil, and at the same time invigorating. So, my favorite thing to do in the rain, is to walk about in it until it's lightens to a brief sunshine. Then I'll just bask in the glory of what is surely to be called a beautiful day. And now; I leave you with another scene... But not really a scene so much as... well; you'll see.
I don't rightly recall what it is that I was thinking at him. all I know is that I was, in fact, thinking at him. thinking of things that I wanted to, but couldn't/wouldn't, say. Of the remarks to those, I knew he'd never make. So we rode on saying nothing, and the silence ensued.
I wondered vainly ' Was it about our previous, last encounter? Did it concern the way I left him? Was it in reference to our manners with each other in different settings? Was it simply thinking a way of telling that I love him?'

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