12 March 2009

Break my bones to let me chew

How is it that ALL people can be such hypocrites? Complete and utter contradictions uttered in the next breath as the last.

I want to have my heart broken for real. Just so I can be past all of this whole maybe stuff. Even though I know it doesn't really merit a maybe at all. Because it's never been laid out for me in a whole, I cling to a false hope in the maybe. If the heart were to break apart for real. It stands to reason that it could then begin to heal for real. Like when a child breaks an arm, and has to have the bone reset. I don't think I will ever come completely out of this mellow continuous pain. A clean break is required. And I'm just holding by a thread to false hope. The tooth isn't just loose anymore; it's merely hanging by a vein. Useless. But still attached. Only getting in the way of the new, right tooth, to grow in its stead. I do love. That vein of the tooth that used me needs to be cut. The abrasions to my bones need to be broken. I want that time for healing to start. I want to welcome my new tooth. I want to chew again.

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