01 October 2008

Oops I Crapped My Pants!

So I already said this a thousand times before. Moose is too confusing for me. He's just so, so... Uuugh! I'm not really sure. I said I'd always be his friend, and I do mean that. It's just, I didn't know that it would be all this confusing and heart wrenching all of the time. Oh well. But on to better things, or different things at least. In order to commemorate my leaving and moving on to different places. Noting that I will be unable to use the excuse "I live here, I can do that some other time" and am therefore running out of time here. I have agreed to one of the stupidest things in my life. I'm going to Knott's Scary Farm. I'm going to need some depends, Some Oops I Crapped My Pants. Not cool. I watch the news covering Knotts every year, and I get scared, I talk about clowns and zombies, and freak myself out. I can't watch scary movies. Like that "scary movie" I watched with Rocky, it wasn't scary, the ending was retarded beyond all reason, but while I watched it, I scared myself silly. I have an over active imagination at the worst possible times. No good!
wish me luck!?

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