18 January 2011


I like it when days are good, and time flies. Those are good signs, no? I just wish life made sense sometimes. Why is it I feel bad about not wanting certain things. Why is it that I am attracted, or I attract rather, the slightly unconventional? What is it that I put out there that causes some to 'obsess'? And only some do. Not all. I have no idea what I'm thinking right now; my mind is on fast forward in slow motion. I'm really tired, but I'm thinking too fast, but the subjects and words are evolving slowly. 
On a separate but similar note; or a slightly unrelated, but along the same train of thought note... Do I over think things? Yes. Is that ok? I have no idea. I suppose it's what I'm over thinking. For instance, if I were to over think how someone is to perceive me, I can make myself feel like I'm sabotaging things because I don't want them to know how I view me... Wait; that came out completely wrong. See what I mean: it's not flowing. There are speed bumps and jagged turns with lots of obstacles to jump before it can make it to coherent; and by that time; the thought is unrecognizable.

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