22 January 2009

It was I who brought the rain.

A new decision in the way of writing; I will, and have, start(ed) writing down those seemingly monotonous scenes that scream through my brain on a day to day basis. So far, They seem very non-connected. And I'm working on developing a story for some scenes that are; undoubtedly connected. I just have to figure out how to take the character to the first scene; and from there to the others that keep me from sleeping. What I'm saying is; maybe it will all work out into one gigantic hodgepodge; but then again... It might become a concrete story. The problem with me is the writing in book form. I can write in scene form, but not in play form. I think I need to work on that. The combination of the two styles (with a twist) is way to confusing thus far. I think I develop the story; and then decide how I want to write it. From who's point of view will it be? Blah blah blah... correct; this is just idle musings that currently don't make sense. Other than that; I'm back in OC. whooHoo! I'm slowly and surely beginning to see who my friends are, and how close we will ever be. But more on that emo canter another time. for now, I'll busy myself with the reading and creating of stories and living in non-reality.

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