04 October 2010

Sin is Sciscm

I had an idea. I thought I could add scenes to the Dog Catcher, and then complete it.
I also noticed that I tend to not have happy endings. I realized today while thinking in the shower that I do not tend towards the typical story line. I have been contemplating a 'song' about the other girl in the movies. The girl that the guy uses until he realizes that the main girl is his. Well What the Heck?! When does Drunk Girl 2 get hers? Who finishes her story? Does she get to live happily ever after? Probably not.
Then I started thinking about 'Happily Ever After' and I realized the only way to show that would be to hit on a few high points of how they choose to live and work together and end it when either one or the other dies. It's not all friggin sunshine and roses people. Not everyone gets the dream story. Not everything works out in the end. Sometimes there are more hard knocks than happy endings. In all the movies; the average people happy at the end is 2. Two people. The odds don't look too good for everyone else. Stupid Disney movies based in predictability, giving girls (or anyone for that matter) a false sense of hope for a happy life by the time they're old enough to 'fall in love.'
I'm sorry, I think my cynicism is showing. But I would rather be cynical than hopeless. At least I still have hope. I have the common sense to tell myself that the fairytale won't happen, but I let myself believe that it can. Look! I lost my topic again. On some levels; everyone is cynical... maybe not the same cynical as me... that would be hopeless for mankind as we know it. I'm going to stop now... now that I'm in a mind rut.

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