08 October 2010

The Apocalypse led to Love

I know that this will be out of the norm, I have a consistent look for these posts: But I did not want to type this up again. I told in a Chat Box and I am just going to retell it via Copy Paste.

[09:41:53] * Van did have an new interesting dream though
[09:42:25] @ Van : it was much like the Family Trompiere dream
[09:42:39] @ Van : except it had nothing to do with HS and pretending to be something that you're not
[09:43:26] @ Van : Some of the other people in the house were my coworkers, others were completely made up.
[09:43:34] @ Van : It was a river house... and it was HUGE
[09:44:35] @ Van : After much debate I took the bedroom that was more like an insulated patio... (it had a tiny pool) there was another pool that was huge, and outside
[09:44:39] @ Van : OOOOHHH
[09:44:46] @ Van : And this was all after I died
[09:45:56] @ Van : The Apocalypse came like an atom bomb in the sky, the sun exploded and it sent shards out that destroyed the earth. And in my 'consciousness' I awoke in a white van. With lots of people I knew
[09:46:07] @ Van : (I don't remember if I knew them in RL)
[09:46:27] @ Van : And the side doors swung open and we were presented with an option.
[09:46:34] @ Van : We were offered a redo
[09:46:56] @ Van : We would go back to a certain point, and if we chose to go back, we had to live our lives better.
[09:47:18] @ Van : We would have to be more open and share the truth with people, both that we knew and we didn't
[09:47:46] @ Van : I chose to go back, This one guy was still sitting in the Van fraught with the decision
[09:48:25] @ Van : Before that my Jenny told me she was getting married... and I feared we wouldn't be friends anymore, but my brother was a famous animator... *shrugs* anywho
[09:48:42] @ Van : After selecting my room, I looked down at the river, which was rising
[09:49:29] @ Van : And There was a Volkswagen that had been parked on the grass, next to the dock of my neighbors house and I watched as the water rose and started to carry it away.
[09:49:44] @ Van : so I ran to my neighbors house and pounded on their side sliding door
[09:50:02] @ Van : and a girl came out and found a rope that was tied to it and started pulling it back in.
[09:50:37] @ Van : So I helped her, but the brunt force of the two of us pulling made it fly and land on a pile of grassy hay stuff
[09:51:11] @ Van : She said: "It's not a beetle (because I had called it that when I knocked on her door) it's a converted Buss"
[09:51:29] @ Van : And it was, the roof had been redone so I couldn't tell it was a Volkswagen bus
[09:51:42] @ Van : And then her brother came out of the house...
[09:51:50] @ Van : The scenes picked up from here
[09:52:08] @ Van : Eventually: He and I 'fell in love' tongue
[09:52:21] @ Van : and I met more of the people that lived in my house.
[09:53:01] @ Van : There was one guy, who became friends with my 'bf' and I discovered he lived on the fourth floor, but would be leaving for school in a few days.
[09:53:08] @ Van : I'm sure there was more.
[09:53:20] @ Van : But they consist of details about the house.
[09:53:37] @ Van : Like the door-less rooms of the finished basement
[09:53:51] @ Van : Or the roughhousing boys who chose rooms down there.
[09:54:53] @ Van : Or the fact that I went to Billy's house to jump in the pool from the balcony a few times and each time, and automated voice told me something along the lines of "This is a restricted area" But it did not use those words.
[09:54:55] @ Van : Very Happy
[09:55:31] @ Van : That is all for now. Smile

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