07 October 2010

Ranking on a totem pole.

I was going to say I missed you, and write it on your wall. But when I got there, someone else had already done it. Someone who, I feel, is not as important... that's the wrong word, but I'll use it anyway. That made me a little angry. I, an important person, cannot look like I'm copying someone of a lower stature than myself on your totem pole. 
This of course causes me to explore why I am feeling this way at all. Being angry for something like this is ludicrous. I find that it is a seed of jealousy. Why should I be jealous of them? Because I want to feel important. and someone else was there before I could be. 
I want to matter to someone that matters to me. I cherish my friends. I know that my friends have other friends. But when you are forgettable to most of them, it gets to you after a while, and you start to feel unimportant. This is probably another one of those hollow things that I feel. But I feel it nonetheless. 
In attempts to rectify this world from it's selfishness. To make sure that I am not a hypocrite. Whenever I think of someone who is important to me, I try to let them know. That may make me seem crazy. But I want people to feel important. I guess this falls under the train of thought: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

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