07 October 2010

Dragon Lady Magus

So... I was doing an 'improv' RP... and got a little carried away. Enjoy 

*** The year is 1472, somewhere in the mountains of what is now a European country. Angana has just been summoned to the high court by the Kings personal guard. She had known that war was imminent, she had even warned the king that she could be of assistance in their time of need. He would have none of that. He raved about the need to keep war fair. As if war could be fair. He didn't want the help of her magic to interfere with fate. Where did he get all of this garbage? He had been a strange child, he'd shied away from her when he'd started his schooling. It must have been those strange philosophers that were his teachers, putting strange and foreign ideas in his head. These philosophers were the fall of this kingdom. Angana knew it in the core of her being.
Upon entering the throne room, Angana picked up on the tense emotions that flooded the royalty and spilled over to their tenants.
"You called for me sire?" She hissed.
A pained expression flashed across the kings face. She almost smiled when she read in his features that he knew he needed her now. But she stopped when she also realized it might be too late. The loud sounds of battle were drawing close to the palace.
"You know I hate to ask a favor of you, Angana. And I do so now begrudgingly. I still do not believe that what you offer..."
She cut him off with her hand, silencing him. She could not bear to listen to him to go on and on about fairness and the unnaturalness that she was. "It is my purpose in my life to serve this kingdom, it's people, and most of all it's royal line. What will you have me do sire? The enemy is already passed the gate? You may have waited too long to see the error of your previous choice. I do hope you have a good strategy and plan." She spoke as a serpent would, her words melted from her lips, asking for something to devour.
The king looked incredulous. "I" he began, "Would have you tell me how to win."
"That is cheating sire."
He sat down hard and set his jaw. "It is not your place to tell me these things. I am king."
"Then rule as one. Don't act like a spoiled child, your 37 years of life should have taught you something."
The king glowered at her. "Guards!" immediately there were guards on her, shackling her limbs. The fighting sounds died down, and the prince from their enemies court appeared through a side door.
"What is this? You have become traitor to your own people?!" The Guards gagged her, and her skin started to glow.
"I told you she was the spawn of Satan, you should have done away with her long ago."
Hearing these words from the enemies lips and seeing her sire smiling at the imbecile, she grew hot with anger. The shackles broke from the pressure of her growing arms and she was soon a large dragon jutting through the walls. She spoke with an eerie vehemence to her once king. "You sleep in the bed of the unwise, and your kingdom shall now fall, as the walls of this palace is now." With this she breathed a breathe of blue hot flames and erupted through the ceiling.
As she flew away to her secret lair in the mountains, her heart cried for those of her people who she had just caused deaths for. She hoped that the kings siblings who'd not neglected her would not now neglect their duty to their people. As Angana landed, she cried one large dragon tear that became the most perfect ruby, she howled as only a dragon whose heart is broken can roar, and then slowly became her self again. She could see the smoke in the distance as her beloved city, and it's people burned.

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