09 December 2010

War is Change

There are times when I wonder if we're even talking about the same things with our metaphors. On occasion; I fall in love with my metaphors, not realizing that they are being interpreted differently than I mean for them to be. Other times, I don't even know that they're not being interpreted at all. They are being taken for their literal words. Which is ok. Usually I speak vaguely for the sheer appeal of it. That, or I'm not being specific to protect certain parties involved. What it comes down to is this: I'm too nice. So I'm vague. Which makes me confusing. So I'm nice and confusing, which only begs to confuse people even more. Yippee! Maybe we should explore they whys of this... Why am I too nice? I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I don't like it when people are upset or angry with me. I like a level playing field. I like to give people the benefit of the doubt. I want them to have the opportunity to be better than they probably are. I have too much faith in mankind? Or maybe it's as simple as not wanting to burn bridges. If I'm at all irritable, these people aren't going to want to have anything to do with me in the future. And I've lost too many people already. I have been friendless for too many years. I don't want that to happen. As far as being vague goes; sometimes I don't know they whole truth, or I don't want to admit that it is just that; the truth. Perhaps I like the idea of a mystery. Not everything should be handed on a silver platter, you have to work for it. I may be an open book, but you have to know how to read the language to get all the answers. What if the words are a riddle. What if you aren't holding it the right way. What if you skipped a chapter... You won't get it. But then again, both my vagueness and my openness have driven 'people' away. Which that may just be my subconscious screaming at me. "You aren't ready for this." "This isn't right." "You haven't moved on yet." "This guy, seriously?" "If you say that, they'll leave you, like before." 
Regardless of reasons. Regardless of what I'm too nice to do. This is all too much for me. And I don't know how to handle it. Despite what people may think; I'm not as strong for forth spoken as they may believe. I don't always say what I want/should. I may think it, but I've been conditioned to be sensible and keep the peace. Stupid peace. Stupid stupid stagnant never changing blahness.

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