02 March 2010

I am stronger than Me.

Right now: I’m going to clarify. I am not angry. Yes, on some levels I am hurt. Not by anyone else but me. I am upset that I opened myself up. No, that’s not entirely true. I would feel more hurt if I thought that to be absolutely true. I am grateful that for a time; I was accepted for me. I am surprised at how ‘easy’ it was for me to drop my guard. Even though it did not seem like an easy task. I wanted to let someone in. Because I do not want to always feel alone. That is something I need to work through on my own. I do feel like a whole person on my own. And it’s odd to me that I think I can move on already. However; I don’t want think I want to. I don’t think I want to be that vulnerable again. Even though I think, no, I know I will need to be again someday. For now; I am going to focus on me, the relationships that come into my life, my business, and my God. I am sorry for my friends in Wisconsin. It seems that I no longer have a concrete reason to come back. I don’t have a concrete reason to do anything, or be anywhere. I do have abstract reasons to continue living. I thought I would just exist for awhile from that point. But even I know just existing doesn’t work; I don’t want to waste away. I will survive, and more. If life changes again, I want my friends there with me as much as they were before. I appreciate the positives attitudes that were volunteered in regards to the situation. I love you, and thank you.

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