14 June 2012

Butter Flavored Oatmeal

Why is it that the 'weight control' oatmeal from Quaker tastes like butter? I picked up, and ultimately purchased this specific variety pack because of the flavors on it. I wanted Banana Bread flavored oatmeal. Is that too much to ask? I wonder if they made them taste like butter to give those people who would normally add a pound of butter to their oatmeal the kicks they were looking for, without the guilt of a pound of butter. Then again, maybe it's just gross. But seriously; I now have a box of oatmeal that I'm disinclined to eat because I don't want a bowl full of butter flavored mush oats. I will probably end up eating it... maybe add some fruit to it or something. Good thing it keeps... I will NOT be partaking any time soon. 

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