13 June 2011

Too soon too fast too much too deep

I don't really know why I chose tonight of all nights, but I'm drinking alone. I woke up depressed after a night of bad dreams and uneasy sleep, then mood dramatically changed later in the day; It went through a few transformations due to random circumstances, or maybe not so random. And now I'm in a depressy mood once again. Only now I'm full of Martinis. I'm not crazy drunk. I'm buzzed though, and should probably just call it a night. 
How is it possible that I can become so... so... addicted so fast? I don't usually have an addictive personality. But My emotions are tied to how I think this guy is thinking. And that's just it: I don't know what he's thinking, so it's all conjecture and assumption. I have a very over active imagination, and a cynical nature; so it's not usually the best that I come to. I try to find the better light of things, but I can't do it today. It's just not happening. I'm coming to the worst conclusions, and I feel terrible. I think I like him. Maybe too much too soon. He says he likes me too though; so if we're taking him at his word, then it's not too bad. But I am wary of being stabbed in the heart again. 
For the past two days I've been listening to the least helpful music too... Classic Love songs of Rock'n'Roll, Ella and Luis Songs for Lovers, Dion and the Bellmonts... It's just terrible. And then he wonders why I'm the way I am. I'm a stupid girl and my emotions get all out of whack on occasion. I have little to no control over it apparently. But I really do like him. I catch myself day dreaming about the future; I never do that. I'm not a usual mushy girl. But seriously; I thought about myself in a wedding dress today. Where the Halibut did that come from?! I never think about weddings, Never this soon, not usually later even either... If this is wrong; I think it may ruin me if we say goodbye. And just thinking that; makes this whole situation worse. 
Seriously; I'm considering compromising my life away for him already. So pathetic girl!

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