21 June 2010

World of Gray Working Title

So I'm working on another dream I had...

In a world of gray and no major emotions, where children are taught everything in the form of a drab comic style book; there is an interesting phenomena occurring.
I’m not sure whose idea it was in the first place, though I’m sure all intentions were pure. But we’ve converted to studying the children. On our quest to further our knowledge we’ve hit a road block, and wish to know what; if anything; a child, uninhibited, un-brainwashed by a society without media will come to think of when they learn, what is their main goal? What do they take from it? Needless to say; the ideals of their parents have a tendency to show through. Things which the child could sparsely know of, but to be told by a parent, for the knowledge of that if far gone, have come out; baseballs and aprons in hues of pink. Our research has truly proved remarkable. The imagination is a wonderful thing, even when it’s controlled.
There are few cases however that are cause for noteworthy concern. Not because they’re unproductive, but rather: because they are. For instance; there is the case of two boys, who for some reason in our world of equal-ness and control, do not get along. They never have. Today during their monitored learning; coming down the belt, the one boy had a snide smirk upon his face. And he looked down at us with an unearned look of superiority (this was puzzling in and of itself). His session in the Bauble took surprisingly less time than the other children’s normally do, and when he came out for his scan, it showed only a picture of a gray earth. The other boy in question, though neutral on his journey down the belt, seemed rather resigned. His time in the Bauble took quite a time longer than his peers. His scan too, was odd. It turned on as black and after a few frames began to static. In the beginning, watching the learners attempt to fix the static, which they’d never encountered before, was highly entertaining. But it was also alarming. In this world; static does not exist. What could this mean? What was this boy leaning? What was in those books? Who was shaping their minds? 

I am Dr. Louisa Parnnasis, Head Children’s Learning Researcher at the Institute of Collective Knowledge. And I am frightened. …

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