This is what came of our 15 minute writing exercise in class this past week; enjoy:
”There will be mud on the carpet tonight.” She blurted with a stare and calm resignation coming into her face.
I don’t know why she has to speak this way. A way in which no one really understands what she’s talking about. Quoting random poets or authors. It’s just so damned confusing. I hate trying to figure out her subtle meanings. I never know what she has in mind. And I can’t ask about it. She’ll just get all butt hurt and bent out of shape.
So I search my mind quickly for the response she might be looking for. Nothing comes so I sigh and hand my head and ask;
“Why will there be mud on the carpet to>night?” she looks at me aghast.
“Honey don’t you know?” She stares at me as if I had a dunce cap stapled to my head. “There be a dog runnin’ loose in the streets today. And e’ry body know stray dogs always be windin’ up at my house. ‘Sides that, it’s been rainin’.” I really didn’t see that one coming. She turns back to do the dishes. “Shoot, ‘n’ I just got my carpets done. Those Stanley Steamer things ain’t cheap you know.”
With one brow raised. All I can do is stare at her back. Was she serious? It took me a minute to try and find some words again.
“You don’t have to let the dog in.” I said. She laughed a short laugh then mumbled under her breath. I leaned back in my chair at the table and tried to think about something less trivial.
After a time she spoke. “Ya know I’m the only one who can take care of them strays. Dogs, cat’s e’v’rythin. Look at you. You as stray as they ever be.”