28 September 2009

If I could walk to everything, I wouldn't need to drive.

Hey! looky here. A student life center. And what do they have in a student life center? Computers! and what's a computer's main use these days in a place like a student life center? Connecting students to the Internet! Whoohoo! here I am, ON the INTERNET! This week in school, I have to bring in a piece for writer's workshop. It can be anything. an excerpt from a story, an essay, a poem, etc. But I can't figure what to bring in. If I bring in a poem, which one? if I bring an excerpt? from which story? and what part of that story? the stories I have are either too short to take an excerpt, or I can't decided a good way to break the story apart so that it won't be awkward. Oh Poo!! Help Me! I'm also needing to find a job. I don't really know what I was thinking. Trying to get into a specified field. I always feel sooooo inadequate when it comes to applying. I need to find a bar tending job, or just work in my own graphic design field. then I need to move close to that job. I just can't swing it. It would help if I were happy with my portfolio, or I know what the He!! I was doing for a bar. But My Portfolio is unhelpable right now, and I can't work on it without my computer, which still doesn't have a screen. I need a car, and a place to live, and my computer, and a job. And a good friend.

25 September 2009

Good Advice and Gypsy's

And a Terrible song I wrote. Thinking about what Gypsy Said... Maybe she did do this; ish.

-Good Advice and Gypsy’s-

Pack the car when I’m 18.

They said that I would never leave.

I’d never break the mold of this small town.

I’ve proved them wrong times before.

Both chess club and homecoming court.

The way of thing it never tied me down.

Well life it is a funny thing.

For on the day I turned 18.

I went and turned their whole world upside down.

I packed up what little I had.

Left both the good and the bad.

I ran as far as I could go.

Where I’d stop’d be my new home.

Work for a dime and gain some trust.

To better learn ‘bout all of us.

Experience something never meant to be.

I’ll become that modern day gypsy.

I make a friend at a corner store.

Hear all about her life before.

Thought she’d never get a chance to live her life.

Three babies and a dead end job.

Her back aches and her feet they throb

Why is living, filling her with strife?

I got to thinking what I could do.

And introduced her to a guy I knew.

He just asked if she would be his wife.


Another day another tale.

I listen to the locals wail.

Why to bad things happen just to them?

I sometimes give them insights on.

How they’re not the only people who’ve been wronged.

That others might have it just as hard as them.

They don’t always like my good advice.

That’s about the time that I think twice.

Do I really like this line of work I’m in?

So I packed up what little I had.

Left both the good and the bad.

I ran as far as I could go.

Where I’d stop’d be my new home.

Work for a dime and gain some trust.

To better learn ‘bout all of us.

Experience something never meant to be.

I’ll become that modern day gypsy.

Sometimes though the town is nice.

I consider setting down some times.

Be more than just a waitress or a hand.

Become a local of a town.

But then I start to lookin’ round.

Experience is the nature of my plan.

If I stay what have I done?

To justify this path I’m on.

Like a bullet, I’ll be gone again.

I pack up what little I had.

Leave both the good and the bad.

I run as far as I can go.

Where I stop’ll be my new home.

Work for a dime and gain some trust.

To better learn ‘bout all of us.

Experience some things never meant to be.

I’ve become that modern day gypsy.

Things to Do Around the Mansion

So; I've started my Creative writing class. We had an in class 'assignment' I liked mine. It goes along with the idea of loosing sanity by solitude for VanPyre Mansion...

-Things to Do Around the Mansion-

There’s not much to do around the mansion.

Read, and re-read books.

Roam thru the old classrooms.

Dig for chalk in the teacher’s lounge.

Take a walk around the track and see who you’ll run into.

Look out the top story windows at the town below.

Drive past the front door.


Don’t Go Into Town.

Dance thru the hallways.

Do handstands and commune with teddy bears.

Shove yourself into a locker to see if you can get out.

Gaze off the balcony contemplating caterpillars below you.


Don’t Go Into Town.

Reminisce about real life.

Forget the names of people who knew you.

Research butterflies.

Cook raw veggies from the garden.

Learn to kick a touchdown.

Disconnect your thoughts.

Rummage through the old wrestling room for choir robes.

Let your imagination go wild.


Don’t Go Into Town.

Make up theories about the people you see.

Mold marzipan into villagers.

Rule a nation on your desktop.

Compute numbers for irrational purposes.

Laugh out loud so you don’t get scared.

Watch your back.

Look twice before rounding every corner.


Don’t Go Into Town.

Make friends with a Vampire.

Speak only in Rhyme.

Summon a demigod.

Feast on imported cheese from the kitchens.

Sit in every seat for two minutes.

Paint dinosaur scales on your arms.

Learn to play both sides in badminton.


Return to the Jedi mindset.

Invent a language for you and the ghosts to communicate.


Don’t Ever Go To Town.

06 September 2009

My mirror has three shadows.

It's been a while. Life's had its ups and downs. There were plenty of things I could have vented about, or made note of. But life warranted it not so.

That said; I think my reflection is much better than my photo. And my shadow is better than my silhouette.